sts3x - Driver for Sensirion STS3x digital temperature sensor

group sts3x

ESP-IDF driver for Sensirion STS3x digital temperature sensors.

Forked from

Copyright (c) 2017 Gunar Schorcht Copyright (c) 2019 Ruslan V. Uss Copyright (c) 2023 Christian Skjerning

BSD-3 Licensed as described in the file LICENSE




typedef uint8_t sts3x_raw_data_t[STS3X_RAW_DATA_SIZE]


enum sts3x_mode_t

Possible measurement modes.


enumerator STS3X_SINGLE_SHOT

one single measurement

enumerator STS3X_PERIODIC_05MPS

periodic with 0.5 measurements per second (mps)

enumerator STS3X_PERIODIC_1MPS

periodic with 1 measurements per second (mps)

enumerator STS3X_PERIODIC_2MPS

periodic with 2 measurements per second (mps)

enumerator STS3X_PERIODIC_4MPS

periodic with 4 measurements per second (mps)

enumerator STS3X_PERIODIC_10MPS

periodic with 10 measurements per second (mps)

enum sts3x_repeat_t

Possible repeatability modes.


enumerator STS3X_HIGH
enumerator STS3X_MEDIUM
enumerator STS3X_LOW


esp_err_t sts3x_init_desc(sts3x_t *dev, uint8_t addr, i2c_port_t port, gpio_num_t sda_gpio, gpio_num_t scl_gpio)

Initialize device descriptor.

  • dev – Device descriptor

  • port – I2C port

  • addr – Device address

  • sda_gpio – SDA GPIO

  • scl_gpio – SCL GPIO


ESP_OK on success

esp_err_t sts3x_free_desc(sts3x_t *dev)

Free device descriptor.


dev – Device descriptor


ESP_OK on success

esp_err_t sts3x_init(sts3x_t *dev)

Initialize sensor.


dev – Device descriptor


ESP_OK on success

esp_err_t sts3x_set_heater(sts3x_t *dev, bool enable)

Enable/disable heater.

  • dev – Device descriptor

  • enable – True to enable, false to disable


ESP_OK on success

esp_err_t sts3x_measure(sts3x_t *dev, float *temperature)

High level measurement function.

For convenience this function comprises all three steps to perform one measurement in only one function:

  1. Starts a measurement in single shot mode with high reliability

  2. Waits using vTaskDelay() until measurement results are available

  3. Returns the results in kind of floating point sensor values

This function is the easiest way to use the sensor. It is most suitable for users that don’t want to have the control on sensor details.


The function delays the calling task up to 30 ms to wait for the measurement results. This might lead to problems when function is called from a software timer callback function.

  • dev – Device descriptor

  • temperature – Temperature in degree Celsius


ESP_OK on success

uint8_t sts3x_get_measurement_duration(sts3x_repeat_t repeat)

Get the duration of a measurement in RTOS ticks.

The function returns the duration in RTOS ticks required by the sensor to perform a measurement for the given repeatability. Once a measurement is started with function sts3x_start_measurement() the user task can use this duration in RTOS ticks directly to wait with function vTaskDelay() until the measurement results can be fetched.


The duration only depends on repeatability level. Therefore, it can be considered as constant for a repeatability.


repeat – Repeatability, see type sts3x_repeat_t


Measurement duration given in RTOS ticks

esp_err_t sts3x_start_measurement(sts3x_t *dev, sts3x_mode_t mode, sts3x_repeat_t repeat)

Start the measurement in single shot or periodic mode.

The function starts the measurement either in single shot mode (exactly one measurement) or periodic mode (periodic measurements) with given repeatability.

In the single shot mode, this function has to be called for each measurement. The measurement duration has to be waited every time before the results can be fetched.

In the periodic mode, this function has to be called only once. Also the measurement duration has to be waited only once until the first results are available. After this first measurement, the sensor then automatically performs all subsequent measurements. The rate of periodic measurements can be 10, 4, 2, 1 or 0.5 measurements per second (mps).


Due to inaccuracies in timing of the sensor, the user task should fetch the results at a lower rate. The rate of the periodic measurements is defined by the parameter mode.


ESP_OK on success

esp_err_t sts3x_stop_periodic_measurement(sts3x_t *dev)

Stop the periodic mode measurements.

The function stops the measurements in periodic mode (periodic measurements) and the sensor returns in single shot mode


dev – Device descriptor


ESP_OK on success

esp_err_t sts3x_get_raw_data(sts3x_t *dev, sts3x_raw_data_t raw_data)

Read measurement results from sensor as raw data.

The function read measurement results from the sensor, checks the CRC checksum and stores them in the byte array as following.

 data[0] = Temperature MSB
 data[1] = Temperature LSB
 data[2] = Temperature CRC
 data[3] = Humidity MSB
 data[4] = Humidity LSB
 data[2] = Humidity CRC
In case that there are no new data that can be read, the function fails.

  • dev – Device descriptor

  • raw_data – Byte array in which raw data are stored


ESP_OK on success

esp_err_t sts3x_compute_values(sts3x_raw_data_t raw_data, float *temperature)

Computes sensor values from raw data.

  • raw_data – Byte array that contains raw data

  • temperature – Temperature in degree Celsius


ESP_OK on success

esp_err_t sts3x_get_results(sts3x_t *dev, float *temperature)

Get measurement results in form of sensor values.

The function combines function sts3x_get_raw_data() and function sts3x_compute_values() to get the measurement results.

In case that there are no results that can be read, the function fails.

  • dev – Device descriptor

  • temperature – Temperature in degree Celsius


ESP_OK on success

struct sts3x_t
#include <sts3x.h>

Device descriptor.

Public Members

i2c_dev_t i2c_dev

I2C device descriptor.

sts3x_mode_t mode

used measurement mode

sts3x_repeat_t repeatability

used repeatability

bool meas_started

indicates whether measurement started

uint64_t meas_start_time

measurement start time in us

bool meas_first

first measurement in periodic mode